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Mendel European Centre
Lubor Lacina

Mendel University in Brno
Zemědělská 1
613 00 Brno
T: 545 131 111
F: 545 211 128
IČ: 62156489
DIČ: CZ62156489


Interview with Lubor Lacina: Impact of Italian referendum on EU/Eurozone Future

From Brno to end of the world: technologies from Svratka valley

Threats and opportunities of migration crisis: view of economist and political scientist

Experts corner: Will decison of Czech National Bank to devaluate czech crown make introduction of common currency euro more comlicated? (in Czech)

Interview with Miroslav Radimersky on economic impact of refugee crisis (in Czech, Czech public radio)

Commentary of economic and political situation in Greece (in Czech, Czech public radio, Czech public TV)

Interview with Petr Strejček: "EU could created federation before euro introduction", 29. 7.

Lubor Lacina, Ranní plus, ČRo Plus, Friday 17. 7. (from 8:15 min.)

Petr Strejček, Horizont, ČT 24, Thursday 16. 7. (from 8:35 min.)

Interview with Petr Strejček: "The key problem of eurozone crisis management is the courage of politicians", 1. 7.

Lubor Lacina, Den podle..., ČRo Plus, Monday 29. 6. (from 8:35 min.)

Lubor Lacina, Ranní plus, ČRo Plus, Friday, 5. 6. (from the sixth minute)

Commentary of economic and political situation in Russia (in Czech, Czech public radio)

Interview with Lubor Lacina: "I have doubts about efficiency of sanctionts to Russia in the globalised world"

Articles at with contributions by Lubor Lacina and Petr Strejček (both key staff of JMCeO) (in Czech)

Selected contributions to debate are published every Monday in printed version of daily newspaper Lidové noviny

Articles and interviews at with contribution by Lubor Lacina (director of JMCeO) (in Czech)

Selected contributions to debate and transcripts of interviews are published every Monday in printed version of daily newspaper Hospodářské noviny and journal Ekonom.[aut_id]=14099490&person[id]=14099490

2015: Interview with Luděk Niedermayer: Open Conffesion of Fresh Eurocrat -- Ludek Neidermayer about his experience of being member of Europaen parliament (in Czech)



2015: Quo vadis eurozone: successes and destitutions of monetary union (in Czech)


2015: Interview for Euroskop: What Brings Junckers Investment Package for Czech Republic? (in Czech)


2015: Interview with Ivan Miklos: Economic Crisis at Ukraine and its possible solutions (in Czech)



2014: How the experts evaluate president of European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso and what they reccomend him after his term finished? (in Czech)


2014: Interview with Jaroslav Machovec: director of Wine producers fund in the Czech Republic (in Czech)


2014: Interview with Lubor Lacina (in Czech)

CZ: Fenomén Transformace (Osmé číslo sešitu 7 / 2014)

2014: Interview with Petr Blížkovský, Director at Council of EU


CZ: Altereko: Interview with Petr Blížkovský: To understand Brussels takes years

2014: Interview with Vojtěch Belling: former Director General for the EU Affairs and Acting Secretary of State, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic (in Czech)

CZ: Evropa a my: Stavíme se do pozice těch, kterých se dění v EU netýká, a pak na to doplácíme

2014: Ten Years of the Czech Republic Membership in EU (in Czech)

Conference speeches (video links):

2014: Seminar: Czech Republic and Fiscal Compact -- recent and future position of Czech government

CZ: Seminář: ČR a fiskální kompakt - jak se k němu konečně postavíme?

You can watch the record of seminar online at:

Delegation of EC in Prague and Information office of European Parliament in the Czech Republic together with institute for European policy Europeum organized a discussion seminar with title "Czech Republic and Fiscal Compact -- recent and future position of Czech government". The seminar was organised in seminar room of European Hoses at Prague on Wednesday, February 12th, 2014. There were two speakers invited -- David Král (Europeum) and Lubor Lacina -- Mendel university in Brno, director of JM Centre of Excellence and think tank Mendel European Centre. Zastoupení Evropské komise a Informační kancelář Evropského parlamentu v České republice ve spolupráci s Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM uspořádali seminář pro širokou veřejnost s názvem "ČR a fiskální kompakt -- jak se k němu konečně postavíme?". Akce se uskutečnila ve středu 12. února 2014 v Evropském domě (Jungmannova 24, Praha 1) od 17 do 19 hodin. Na semináři vystoupil David Král z Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM a Lubor Lacina z Mendelovy univerzity v Brně, ředitel Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence a think tanku Mendelova evropského centra

2013: Lecture and discussion with students FBE MENDELU (in Czech)

2013: Seminar: EU Budget: what we can expect in following seven years?

CZ: Seminář: Rozpočet EU: Co náš čeká v dalších sedmi letech?

You can watch the record of seminar online at:

Delegation of EC in Prague and Information office of European Parliament in the Czech Republic together with institute for European policy Europeum organized a discussion seminar with title "EU Budget: what we can expect in following seven years?". The seminar was organised in seminar room of European House at Prague on Wednesday, June 5th, 2013. There were two speakers invited -- Jan Částek (Ministry of Finance, Czech Republic) and Lubor Lacina -- Mendel university in Brno, director of JM Centre of Excellence and think tank Mendel European Centre. Ve středu 5. června 2013 se v Evropském domě uskutečnil další ze série pravidelných seminářů o aktuálních otázkách evropské integrace organizovaný Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM. Seminář se tentokrát zabýval víceletým finančním rámcem 2014--2020. Na semináři "Co nás čeká v dalších sedmi letech?" vystoupili Michal Částek, vedoucí oddělení rozpočtu EU Ministerstva financí ČR, a Lubor Lacina, výzkumný pracovník Ústavu financí Mendelovy univerzity v Brně ředitel think tanku Mendlova evropského centra. Moderoval Tomáš Weiss, výzkumný pracovník Fakulty sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy a Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.

Articles by Lubor Lacina (in Czech)